Yung Lean brings us new visuals for his track "Volt" off of Unknown Memory. A dark, eerie forest. Lightning. Fog. Mirror images. Even a creepy woman in a Yung Lean mask. Sad Boys Entertainment definitely delivers and maintains the quality of cinematography seen in "Yoshi City" from earlier this year. As the video may seem to be a fairly minimalistic concept, it fuses very well with the surreal music production from Yung Gud and White Armor. Yung Lean dons a pink Ed Hardy hat and an AXO motocross jersey, straying away from the usual "all white everything" and classic Polo gear. Sad Boys don't seem to be stopping anytime soon, as Yung Lean is already coming back to North America for the Unknown Memory Tour. The tour kicks off on December 1st so be sure to buy tickets here.